[1] Robert Candlish, Studies in Genesis, pg. 793.

[2] W. H. Griffith Thomas, Genesis: A Devotional Commentary, pg. 484.

[3] Ibid.

[4] John Calvin, A Commentary in Genesis, Vol. II, pg. 488.

[5] Ibid., pg. 489.

[6] Jamiesson, Fausset, Brown, A Commentary, pg. 273.

[7] Thomas, op. cit., pg. 487.

[8] Ibid., pg. 506.

[9] John Calvin, The Harmony of the Gospels, Vol. I, pg. 221.

[10] Ibid., pg. 221.

[11] Martin Luther, cited in Broadus, Commentary on Matthew, pg. 153.

[12] Leon Morris, The Gospel According to Matthew, pg. 161.

[13] Broadus, op. cit., pg. 151.

[14] Leon Morris, loc. cit.

15 All Scripture citations in this study are taken from the King James Version.

[16] Charles Bridges, A Commentary on Ecclesiastes, pg. 48.

[17] Walter Kaiser, Ecclesiastes: Total Life, pg. 60.

[18] Alexander Nisbet, An Exposition...Upon the Book of Ecclesiastes, pg 130.

[19] Bridges, op. cit., pg. 61.

[20] Nisbet, op. cit., pg. 146.